Website © 2014 Ben Collins

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T e r r e a c e

Dormant project.

Terraced housing was the original solution to mass house building before high rise. Whilst offering some shared building costs, the concept fell out of favour by association with undesirable housing qualities – cold and dampness, pokey sized, dingy back alleys, garden-less, neighbour noise, lack of privacy, concrete jungle.

The Terre-Ace concept revitalises the positive aspects of terraced housing and cancels the negatives.


terreace - energy producing housing

advanced terraced housing and community

Terreace brings immense new cost saving techniques and house technology to the build process to create a spacious, self-heating, high performance product, set in a green space with real privacy.

There is a 100 page document explaining how the Terreace can replace old housing or shanty towns worldwide and a project proposal to model all the proposals.

Contact invited, but an NDA must be signed as part of the review.